Rhino Snare and Vegetable Ivory Necklace


This necklace is made out of hammered snare wire, vegetable ivory seed, zulu seed, and metal. It also has a handmade clasp. It is a perfect piece of jewelry for empowerment and uniqueness.

Length: Approximately 19 inches

Width: Approximately 1 inch

This product was handcrafted by courageous women in the remote Zambian bush whose company is called Mulberry Mongoose. They believe in bringing women together to do the impossible and investing in their community where there is high unemployment. The materials are locally sourced whenever they can. For example, the guinea fowl feathers used for products are from local farmers who use the income to support their livestock with greater care. The snare wire that has been collected by anti-poaching patrols is also used in most of the products, which inevitably helps protect the community and wildlife from the brutality of poaching. Every piece of Mulberry Mongoose that is sold is donated to anti-poaching patrols to help remove snare wire traps that harm the wildlife cherished by the communities that live along side them. Your support means the safety and happiness for apart of the world that wants the same peace for the whole world.
